Program Received Signal Sigsegv In C

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Program Received Signal Sigsegv In C

Yep, I'm clear on what a radix sort does. One quick note:. I don't see anything immediately wrong with this code, but it's a little hard to tell without your complete code and a test case. Either make your program print copious amounts of debugging data or run this through a debugger.

Look at the value of S each time through the loop and make sure everything looks reasonable. If it looks like something got corrupted, you can probably put a watch statement on it in your debugger and see where it's getting corrupted. Does it always crash on the same node or is it random? MAXSIZ is only 15 bytes, you might have a buffer overflow somewhere that screws up a next pointer. I tried to do like what you said, and included some output statements to see where the program stops executing. Download Novel Harry Potter.

It seems all ok until the function isLast is called, the program somehow crashes at that point. If it helps I attached the whole code. If you read the code you might see two functions that I hid (as comments) so that when I finish the Sort funtion I'll put them back in the code.

And you will see some output statements that I put for testing. The program I used to write and compile the code is CodeBlocks and the compiler's name is GNU GCC. I hope this doesn't interrupt you or take much of your time. Thanks in advance. Code: add(str,(current_arr+i));So for starters, you never reinitialize i to zero before doing this, so it starts at 53. Current_arr+i is equivalent to current_arr[53], which is an invalid index (0.52 are the only valid ones).